Login failed for user\ASPNET



After installing MSDE2000 on my WIN XP machine, I created the database from
Access using the upsizing wizard. Although the tables can be seen from the
server explorer, I keep on encountering problem in building my web
application. The error message is "Login failed for user\ASPNET".

I've tried to supply/not supply a username and password at the SQL server
login but both methods could not work. I did not create a username and
password during the upsizing process although I specified a password during
installtion of the MSDE2000. I even uncheck the anonymous user option under
the IIS->Directory Seucrity but that did not help either.

What else can I do ?

Brock Allen

You need to add the local ASPNET user as an user in the database and grant
that user access to the DB your application is using. I don't know the command
line switches off the top of my head, so run "osql.exe /?" to get a list
of the commands.



This command just provide a list of switches such as -S, -d, etc. By trying
say "osql.exe /S", it tells me:

Error: no user selected. Try with -U or -E switches.

Brock Allen

Ah, yes... so then you need to execute the SQL to add ASPNET as a login to
your DB and setup their DA permissions, etc. So launch "osql -S . -E" then
paste in this SQL and it should start working for you:

exec sp_grantlogin N'THOR\ASPNET'
exec sp_defaultdb N'THOR\ASPNET', N'pubs'
use pubs
exec sp_grantdbaccess N'THOR\ASPNET', N'ASPNET'
exec sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', N'ASPNET'

Replace THOR with your machine name and replace pubs with your database name.
One note is that this SQL adds ASPNET as dbo, so the ASPNET user has total
control over that DB. This is the fastest way to get it working, but I'd
suggest doing some research on SqlServer DB security to know how to scale
back the permissions for this user.


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