Log out and in via vb.net?



I have several hundred computers, dedicated to number crunching, which
have two login accounts--administrator and a username account. Both
accounts run (by default) a vb.net application that handles commands
from a central controller machine. It's simple enough for the controller
machine to "command" the listener apps to shut down or reboot the
hundreds of machines, but then someone must go to each machine and
manually log in. Auto login isn't an option because we're on a domain
and there are two different possible logins.

Is it possible to have the local vb.net app reboot or logoff/login to
these machines as a user with a password (assuming we have the
password)? It would be possible to remove the user password if that made
it easier....?

Lucas Tam

I have several hundred computers, dedicated to number crunching, which
have two login accounts--administrator and a username account. Both
accounts run (by default) a vb.net application that handles commands
from a central controller machine. It's simple enough for the controller
machine to "command" the listener apps to shut down or reboot the
hundreds of machines, but then someone must go to each machine and
manually log in. Auto login isn't an option because we're on a domain
and there are two different possible logins.

Is it possible to have the local vb.net app reboot or logoff/login to
these machines as a user with a password (assuming we have the
password)? It would be possible to remove the user password if that made
it easier....?

If your application needs to launch on boot, you should be creating a
Windows Service.

One Handed Man \( OHM - Terry Burns \)

Your going to have to use the Win32 API, look it up on the MS Site


OHM ( Terry Burns )
. . . One-Handed-Man . . .
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Time flies when you don't know what you're doing


Lucas said:
If your application needs to launch on boot, you should be creating a
Windows Service.

Actually, it doesn't really involve the app itself, I just thought I'd
use the app, which is already running, to trigger the logout/login.
Essentially, telling the machine: "Log out, but then log in as <blank>."

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