locks up on Windows Setup Blue screen when Installing Windows XP



I successfully installed my Windows XP on a ECS K7S5a Pro
motherboard with Athlon 2.4 gig processor. I successfully
used the machine the first time I logged on to my Windows
XP PC. However, I shut down the machine, then powered it
up, and I noticed some weirdness (mouse would not respond
when I started up a game I played on the initial logon
mentioned above.

Things got really bad so I ended up uninstalling XP.
When I attempted to reinstall it from the CD, I booted
from the CD and the blue Windows Setup screen came up.
Then a couple different messages came up on the bottom line
telling me to press F2 and then another line said to press
F6. I did neither, and then the F6 message went away, and
I got one of two things:

1- Nothing at all happened (bluw screen with "Windows
Setp" title and no other messages (I waited for 20
2-Error message displayed
"An unexpected error (0) occurred at

I tried many things and got the exact same result:
1- Purchased another motherboard of the same exact model
and processor type.
2- tried installing with a different AGP card installed.
3- Tried disconnecting the DVD and floppy drives.
4- reformatted hard drive using utilities that came with
hard drive.
5-Tried different hard drive

I installed windows 98 successfully, so then I tried
removing windows 98, and installing XP, but got the
same results!!!!!!!

I do not know what to do, any help would be appreciated!!!


I failed to mention that I also tried a different
XP CD and this gave the exact same result.

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