Locking Error while Updating an Image---- Urgent!!! Please advice




I made use of the suggestion provided by a fellow developer in this
newsgroup. I am trying to display an image on a page. I made use of an image
control like this:
<asp:image runat="server" id="myimage"
ImageUrl="[filename].aspx?id=1&width=200&height=200" />
the [filename].aspx?id....... makes use of a connection and a datareader and
displays the image on the page

the problem is I am using Access DB and OLEDB adapter for interaction.

I am trying to update an image and it gives me a "Locking Error" saying
another user or application has locked the DB. the main reason is I am using
a page to read the current image and then then he has an option of Updating
but since the image is being read from another page, its currently open.

How do I solve this?

Thanks in Advance,
Stephen Noronha.


If you are using anonymous authentication then try giving the anonymous
account full access to the "temp" directory for the ASPNET account.
(<documents and settings><machine name>ASPNET\local settings\temp )

The Jet engine will try to use this location for temp files that it uses for

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