Lock ups



It started when i opened my case to see what my Ram cards looked like, then, my machine became a monster. =P

Anyway, now more than ever my game locks up on Everquest, Morrowind, well lets just put it , every game i own. Hard locks, static noises emit from im guessing the speakers and i have to manually reboot my system...go into the game, again the same thing. This rig is less than 4 mnths old, and im frustrated beyond belief, I've ran diagnostics, defraged, adwared, norton, and nothing is showing anything wrong with my system or its components.

Jimmy S.

Hi Jwmadden,

Please have someone knowledgeable examine the inside
of your computer case and make sure everything is
secure and properly installed. Since it's new, it should
be under warranty. Some troubleshooting is best done live.

Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S. http://mvp.support.microsoft.com

Game FAQs: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=FH;[LN];gms
Visit my Zone.com / Gaming Helpsite: http://nibblesnbits.tk or Call / Contact
MS Support at: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=sz;en-us;top
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.

| It started when i opened my case to see what my Ram cards looked like, then, my machine became a monster. =P
| Anyway, now more than ever my game locks up on Everquest, Morrowind, well lets just put it , every game i own. Hard locks, static
noises emit from im guessing the speakers and i have to manually reboot my system...go into the game, again the same thing. This
rig is less than 4 mnths old, and im frustrated beyond belief, I've ran diagnostics, defraged, adwared, norton, and nothing is
showing anything wrong with my system or its components.

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