Location of mscal.ocx


M. Authement

I know this is not strictly and Excel question, but it does involve an
application I am developing in Excel. I used mscal.ocx (version 11) on a
userform and when I look at the references it is located in c:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office 11...no problem. Some of my users do not have
this control, so when I Googled for more info, most of what I found says
that it should be installed in C:\Windows\System32 (I do have version 8 of
mscal.ocx located there). My question is this: does it matter where it is
installed/registered? If users have it installed/registered in system32
will they be able to open my .xla even though it is installed/registered in
Office 11 on my computer? Would they still use regsvr32 mscal.ocx to
register it no matter where it is located? Should I unregister/delete
version 8 and move/re-register version 11 to the system32 folder? Thanks
for your help (btw, I am using WinXP, Office 2003).

M. Authement

Thanks Gord. Any thoughts on my other questions about where the control
should be installed/registered and whether it matters if this location is
different from one machine to the next?

Gord Dibben

If you went to the site I posted and clicked the link to download the file you
would have seen this message.........

Copy the File to the Correct Folder

After downloading the file, unzip it and copy the mscal.ocx file (and its
associated help file if you require it) to the correct location on your
computer. This location depends upon which version of Windows you are using:

For Windows 95, 98 and ME this is C:\Windows\System

For Windows NT, 2000, XP it is C:\Windows\System32

Installations of Windows can vary so check for the correct location of the
System or System32 folder before you proceed.

Register the Control

The final step is to tell the Windows Registry that you have installed the file.
This ensures that your programs can find it. Click Start then Run and type:
regsvr32 mscal.ocx and click OK:


Thanks Gord. Any thoughts on my other questions about where the control
should be installed/registered and whether it matters if this location is
different from one machine to the next?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

M. Authement

I did, and I did see the message regarding the System32 folder. What I am
not sure of is the fact that for whatever reason, my computer has this
control located in the Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office 11 folder and
whether this reference will cause an error for those who have the control
registered in the System32 folder.

My guess is that it will not, as their system should (?) know where that
control is registered, but I have had enough 'false starts' with references
that I would like to know before asking them to try again. Thank you for
your patience...I've done quite a bit of VBA programming over the years, but
never dealt with anything outside of Excel's object model.

M. Authement

For anyone who reads this later and wants to know the answer...no, it
doesn't matter if the control is installed/registered in different folders
on different computers.

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