Excel Locating cells that start with certain letters - VBA code EXCEL

Jun 10, 2011
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Here is my code:

Option Explicit
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim PrevCalc
Sub Report4()

'Gather information from comparison tab and locate values where value is >100%. If data set contains
'values, we will record that in the report. Because we know i & j, we know where the value is located in
'the comparison tab. Using this information, we can locate the other information we want for the report.

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
PrevCalc = .Calculation
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
x = 0
For i = 0 To 202
For j = 0 To 58
If IsError(Worksheets("Comparison").Range("C19").Offset(i, j)) Then
If (Worksheets("Comparison").Range("C19").Offset(i, j)) > 1 Then
x = x + 1
Range("percentagechange3").Offset(x - 1, 0) = Worksheets("Comparison").Range("C19:BH220").Offset(i, j).Value 'Value of the % change is reported here
Range("hfmnumber3start").Offset(x - 1, 0) = Worksheets("Comparison").Range("A19").Offset(i, 0) 'since we know the row where the error is, we can look up the HFM # in that row
Range("hfmaccount3start").Offset(x - 1, 0) = Worksheets("comparison").Range("B19").Offset(i, 0) 'since we know the row where the error is, we can look up the HFM account in that row
Range("location3start").Offset(x - 1, 0) = Worksheets("comparison").Range("c15").Offset(0, j) 'since we know the column where the error is, we can look up the entity in that row
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
.Calculation = PrevCalc
End With
End Sub

How can I change the code to look in worksheets("comparison").Range("A15") and run the code above to only cells that begin with the letters E and I. I am pretty new to VBA and need some help. I'm guessing this will go just after the Else in the code above. Thanks for any help!
Sep 3, 2008
Reaction score

You can catch the first letter by using r = Left(ActiveCell.Value, 1) ('r' is a variable you need to declare as a string.

If it were me, I would use a case statement to validate if the code runs;
Case E 'code runs

Case I ' code runs

Case else ''code does not run


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