

Bruno Alexandre

Hi Guys,

I'm driving crazy here with Localization issue, this is what I have now:

masterpage.master - with some asp:linkbutton like this:

<asp:LinkButton PostBackUrl="~/login/Default.aspx" ID="lnkLogout"
runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:language, menu_logout %>" />

Default.aspx - with some labels and Dropdowns for Login propose and in
the top of the page:
<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false"
CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="login_Default" Culture="auto:en-US"
UICulture="auto" %>

in Default.aspx.vb one of other thinks is:

Protected Overrides Sub InitializeCulture()
Dim lang As String = Request("ddLanguage")
If lang IsNot Nothing Or lang <> "" Then
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New CultureInfo(lang)
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture =
End If
End Sub

and it works FINE!
but the language choose in this DEFAULT.ASPX file is not the same in the
other pages of the website, it only overrides the CultureInfo in this

How can I choose a language in the Default.aspx and have THAT language
across HOLE Webpage?

I'm USING GlobalResources and a Resource called Language.resx with
several for other languages like:



Anyone Know how can I manage this?

I already watch this HOW TO...
ASP.NET HOW DO I Video Series: Localization

but this example is just for one page (even using globalResources)

Thanks in Advance.

Bruno Alexandre
"a Portuguese in København, Danmark"


As far as I can see, you have two options;

1) Move the code you have in the InitializeCulture() method to the
Global.asax Application_BeginRequest(Object obj, EventArgs e)

2) Create a base-page class of which all your pages inherit from.
Implement the InitializeCulture() method in this base class. I
personally chose to use the 2nd option because I can't work with
cookies and I store this info in the user info in a session. And I
couldn't find a way to access the Session object from the
Applicaiton_BeginRequest() method.

Hope this helps.

BTW, can anybody tell me if this is a (best/good) practice?

Kind regards,


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