Localization problem



We have a project that contains a number of DLLs. One DLL is a library
containing User Interface utilities that are used in most of our forms. As
we plan to localize all our strings, we've added a project that contains only
string resources. The structure in solution explorer looks like:

Utilities (Project)
-- UtilityA.cs
-- UtilityB.cs
Utilities_en (Project)
-- ResourceA.en.resx
-- ResourceB.en.resx

Other DLLs reference Utilities.dll and pull the strings from the resources
okay. Here's what doesn't work: The Utilities.dll contains a base form that
is inherited by a number of other forms in other DLLs. That base form refers
(in the constructor) to the string resources to load the text for its
buttons. When we createe a new form in a separate DLL, switch to the code to
inherit it from the base form, then switch back to the designer, we get the
following error:

"Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the
neutral culture. Make sure "Utilities.ResourcesA.resources" was correctly
embedded or linked into assembly "Utilities" at compile time, or that all the
satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed."

This is the same message that appears at runtime when one of the string
resources cannot be found.

We know of a number of workarounds, but no permanent solution to the
designer problem. We've even tried placing the Utilities.resources.dll in
the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\EN" folder,
thinking the designer might be looking there for the resources.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


Hello. Did you solve the problem? I have the same problem and I would
appreciate any suggestions.

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