Local fax connection error


Emilio Corsetti

I recently had to reinstall Windows XP setup to fix
another problem. Since the reinstall I have been unable
to use my fax modem. Microsoft Tech support is telling me
that this is a new issue and they want $35 to fix it,
even though I didn't have the problem before.

The modem is working perfectly. There are no conflicts.
When I open fax console there is a message on the bottom
that says all fax printers are inaccessable. If I check
local fax printer staus it says connection error. If I
try to send a fax, it dials the number but nothing else
happens. No fax monitor. No fax is sent.

Can anyone help me?

Hal Hostetler [MVP DTS]

You need to install Windows XP Service Pack 1. Certain registry keys on
which Fax depends can be wiped out by certain update or repair operations in
XP and causes this behavior. SP1 fixes the problem. Alternatively:

1. Save the attachment to this post (or paste the text between dashed lines
at the bottom of this message into Notepad and save it).

2. Rename it RPCProt.reg

3. Go to Windows Explorer and double-click on RPCProt.reg - this would apply
the key to the registry (assuming that Merge is the default action).

3a. If double clicking the RENAMED file opens Notepad or WordPad, go to
'Start|Run', type REGEDIT, click OK, then go to 'File|Import' and navigate
to the file.

4. Stop and then restart the fax service.

The contents of the attached file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Hal Hostetler, CPBE -- (e-mail address removed)
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-DTS -- WA7BGX
http://www.kvoa.com -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
Got Blues? - www.badnewsbluesband.com

Emilio Corsetti III


The original tech support person who was helping me with
my first problem e-mailed me instructions for manually
entering the registry keys that you listed. I opened the
registry and went to the correct folder and manually
entered each key. That did not fix the problem. So
knowing that I already had the strings in the right place
I tried to download and install service pack 1. The
installation failed with the error: "Could not verify the
integrity of Update.inf. Make sure cryptographic service
is running on this computer."

Since that failed I reread your instructions for entering
the keys. I couldn't find an attachement to the post so I
copied to notepad and did exactly what you said.

My problem is now fixed. I'm not sure why my first
attempt didn't work. When I open up the registry the keys
that I entered manually are still there, in the order
that I entered them and not the order that you had.

In any case, thanks for your help.

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