"loading..." message on dropdownlist?



I have two dropdowns that take a few seconds to populate (they are
populated from a remote database, but the connection to the database is
not the best).

Is it possible to put a 'Loading...' message into the dropdownlist which
will show by default, and then will disappear when the dropdown is

Maybe this could be done through javascript or otherwise?



Not unless you are populating it via javascript. You can put anything you
want in it on the server - but since the HTML isn't going to get to the
browser until you finish retrieving all the data anyway, the user isn't
going to see the dropdown until then anyway.


Not unless you are populating it via javascript. You can put anything you
want in it on the server - but since the HTML isn't going to get to the
browser until you finish retrieving all the data anyway, the user isn't
going to see the dropdown until then anyway.

I am populating it via javascript...

I have two dropdowns, County and District, that are populated using
javascript so that when County changes, District will also change
without having to reload the page.

Any chance you could show me how to add the 'loading' message in if I'm
pre-populating using javascript?



One idea is to populate it with just 'loading...' on the server, and then on
the client populate it with the real data. so it will start out with
'loading...' and then end up with the real data.

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