ListView images in header (sort indicator) -- converted code from vb6 not working


Samuel R. Neff

I'm trying to put icons in the header of my ListView. All the .net
posts I found refer to an example on thecodeproject which is no longer
there (part of commercial package now).

I converted the code I used in VB6 which all appears to run ok but
doesn't actually create the images ever. These are generic functions
to set the images for any listview.

Please help,



' Win32 is a custom class that has the necessary Win32 constants,
structures, and function declarations

Public Sub ListViewSetHeaderImages(ByVal lvw As ListView, ByVal
images As ImageList)
Dim headerHandle As IntPtr = Win32.SendMessage(lvw.Handle,
Win32.LVM_GETHEADER, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)
Win32.SendMessage(headerHandle, Win32.HDM_SETIMAGELIST,
IntPtr.Zero, images.Handle)
End Sub

Public Sub ListViewSetHeaderIcon(ByVal lvw As ListView, ByVal
headerText As String, ByVal columnIndex As Integer, ByVal imageIndex
As Integer)

Dim headerHandle As IntPtr
Dim HD As New Win32.HDITEM

headerHandle = Win32.SendMessage(lvw.Handle,
Win32.LVM_GETHEADER, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)

With HD
.mask = Win32.HDI_IMAGE Or Win32.HDI_FORMAT
.pszText = headerText
.fmt = Win32.HDF_STRING Or Win32.HDF_IMAGE Or
.iImage = imageIndex
End With

Win32.SendMessage(headerHandle, Win32.HDM_SETITEM, columnIndex,

End Sub

Private Sub ListViewRemoveHeaderIcon(ByVal lvw As ListView, ByVal
columnIndex As Integer)
Dim headerHandle As IntPtr
Dim hdHeader As New Win32.HDITEM

headerHandle = Win32.SendMessage(lvw.Handle,
Win32.LVM_GETHEADER, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)

hdHeader.mask = Win32.HDI_FORMAT
hdHeader.fmt = hdHeader.fmt Or Win32.HDF_STRING
Win32.SendMessage(headerHandle, Win32.HDM_SETITEM, columnIndex,

End Sub

Samuel R. Neff

That example does a lot more than just put images in the headers. It
takes over creation and drawing of the columns and seems to have a lot
more overhead than is necessary for the task (it does more than what I
and most people asking the question want). I'm looking for something
much smaller.

Really, the VB6 converted code I posted should work--I'm not sure why
it doesn't. It's just SendMessage calls.


Samuel R. Neff

Found the problem. The functions I posted actually do work as
intended--as only as the Win32 declarations are correct. :)

I had copied the Win32 declarations from the other project posted,
after automatically converting from C# to VB.NET. The converter
reorded the members alphabetically including the structure members
(which is really bad sine they were even marked as sequential). After
I recreated the Win32 type declaration for HDITEM the helper functions
for setting the image worked fine.


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