Listobject Blue Border




We currently have an excel solution that displays information within excel
using a ListObject. It works well and everyone's happy. Everyone, that is,
except the inhouse design team who can't stand the fat blue border that pops
up when ever the ListObject has focus. We've tried the BorderAround function
on the range but with little success. We've looked at using NamedRanges
instead but this doesn't quite meet our databinding requirements.

Does anyone know how to either remove, recolor or reduce the border? If so
our appreciation would be immeasurable.

Thanks in advance,




Is it possible to create a User Interface worksheet and the List Object
worksheet utilizes what ever info the user input on the User Interface
worksheet. Use an event (like Worksheet_Change or Worksheet_Calculate),
named ranges, etc. to capture changes to the User Interface worksheet to
update your List Object worksheet (possibly even hiding the List Object so
users cannot see?). In that manner, you may be able to color the User
Interface worksheet in any manner without having to worry with the List
Object worksheet.

Hope this idea works for you.


Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunatley this avenue is not available for
this solution, but I appreciate the response.


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