"Listing Contents of Sub-Folders"



Here's a snippit of code (attached to a userform) that I use to list files
contained in a folder. This code only picks up files contained in the folder
selected and not in any sub-folders of that folder. What change(s) do I need
to make so that the code identifies files contained in sub-floders also?

If OptionButton1 Then
EXT = "*.MP3"
ElseIf OptionButton2 Then
EXT = "*.CDG"
ElseIf OptionButton3 Then
EXT = "*.ZIP"
ElseIf OptionButton4 Then
EXT = "*.*"
End If
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
ThePath = .SelectedItems(1) & "\"
End With
fname = Dir(ThePath & EXT)


Leith Ross

Here's a snippit of code (attached to a userform) that I use to list files
contained in a folder. This code only picks up files contained in the folder
selected and not in any sub-folders of that folder. What change(s) do I need
to make so that the code identifies files contained in sub-floders also?

If OptionButton1 Then
EXT = "*.MP3"
ElseIf OptionButton2 Then
EXT = "*.CDG"
ElseIf OptionButton3 Then
EXT = "*.ZIP"
ElseIf OptionButton4 Then
EXT = "*.*"
End If
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
ThePath = .SelectedItems(1) & "\"
End With
fname = Dir(ThePath & EXT)


Hello Don,

All system file viewers show only the contents of the directory (last
folder in the path). None will identify specified file types in the
sub-folders. If you had only 2 or 3 sub-folders, you could create
another form with a ListBox for each sub-folder. If you are dealing
with an unknown number of sub-files then creating ListBoxes for each
sub-folder becomes problematic.

Leith Ross

Bob Phillips

Filesearch has a subfolders property, but be aware this has been removed in
Excel 2007.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Leith Ross said:
Hello Don,

All system file viewers show only the contents of the directory (last
folder in the path). None will identify specified file types in the
sub-folders. If you had only 2 or 3 sub-folders, you could create
another form with a ListBox for each sub-folder. If you are dealing
with an unknown number of sub-files then creating ListBoxes for each
sub-folder becomes problematic.

Leith Ross

Thanks Leith for the quick reply,

Was hoping there was a way but if not, so be it. I do have quite a number
of sub-folders (several thousand within one main folder), each with only two
or three files in them. Within each sub-folder, each file is titled exactly
the same with only the extension being different. My goal is to be able to
secure a list of all titles. Guess I'll have to rearrange the contents of my

Thanks again,



Bob...I am using 2002 but don't seem to be able to get a handle on this. I
response to Leith explains my goal. Thanks for the reply,



Below I copied the example code from VBA help for subfolders. the code is
written for fileSearch which may not work on Excel 2007 but will work for
excel 2003. there arre similar methods that can be used without fileSearch.
You can use DIR instead of the FileSeaqrch methods. I have written similar
code, but it is not as well documented as the code below.

I put my code that gets every file and puts the filename and size on a
worksheet after the code I found in the VBA help.

VBA help code

Sub SearchEveryFolder()

'Declare variables that reference a
'SearchScope and a ScopeFolder object.
Dim ss As SearchScope
Dim sf As ScopeFolder

'Declare a variable to act as a generic counter.
Dim lngCount As Long

'Use a With...End With block to reference the
'FileSearch object.
With Application.FileSearch

'Clear all the parameters of the previous searches.
'This method doesn't clear the LookIn property or
'the SearchFolders collection.

'Specify the type of file for which to search.
'Use the FileType property to specify the first type
'and then add additional types to the FileTypes collection.
.FileType = msoFileTypeWebPages
.FileTypes.Add msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks

'Clear the SearchFolder collection by
'looping through each ScopeFolder object
'and removing it.
For lngCount = 1 To .SearchFolders.Count
.SearchFolders.Remove lngCount
Next lngCount

'Loop through the SearchScopes collection to find
'the scope in which you want to search. In this
'case the scope is the local machine.
For Each ss In .SearchScopes
Select Case ss.Type
Case msoSearchInMyComputer

'Loop through each ScopeFolder in
'the ScopeFolders collection of the
'SearchScope object.
For Each sf In ss.ScopeFolder.ScopeFolders

'Call a function that loops through all
'of the subfolders of the root ScopeFolder.
'This function adds any folders named "1033" to the
'SearchFolders collection.
Call OutputPaths(sf.ScopeFolders, "1033")

Next sf
Case Else
End Select
Next ss

'Test to see if any ScopeFolders collections were added to
'the SearchFolders collection.
If .SearchFolders.Count > 0 Then

'Set the LookIn property to the path of
'the first ScopeFolder object in the SearchFolders
'collection. This is here so that any previous
'setting of the LookIn property doesn't affect
'the search.
.LookIn = .SearchFolders.Item(1).Path

'Execute the search and test to see if any files
'were found.
If .Execute <> 0 Then

'Display the number of files found.
MsgBox "Files found: " & .FoundFiles.Count

'Loop through the list of found files and
'display the path of each one in a message box.
For lngCount = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
If MsgBox(.FoundFiles.Item(lngCount), vbOKCancel, _
"Found files") = vbCancel Then

'Break out of the loop
lngCount = .FoundFiles.Count

End If
Next lngCount
End If
End If
End With
End Sub

'This subroutine loops through all of the ScopeFolders collections
'in a given ScopeFolders collection. It adds any folder
'that has the same name as the value of strFolder
'to the SearchFolders collection.
Sub OutputPaths(ByVal sfs As ScopeFolders, _
ByRef strFolder As String)

'Declare a variable as a ScopeFolder object
Dim sf As ScopeFolder

'Loop through each ScopeFolder object in the
'ScopeFolders collection.
For Each sf In sfs

'Test to see if the folder name of the ScopeFolder
'matches the value of strFolder. Use LCase to ensure
'that case does not affect the match.
If LCase(sf.Name) = LCase(strFolder) Then

'Add the ScopeFolder to the SearchFolders collection.

End If

'Include a DoEvents call because there is the potential for this
'loop to last a long time. The DoEvents call allows this process to
'continue handling events.

'Test to see if the ScopeFolders collection in the
'current ScopeFolder is empty. If it isn't empty, then
'that means that the current ScopeFolder object contains subfolders.
If sf.ScopeFolders.Count > 0 Then

'This subroutine recursively calls itself so that
'it can add the subfolders of the current ScopeFolder object
'to the SearchFolders collection.
Call OutputPaths(sf.ScopeFolders, strFolder)

End If
Next sf
End Sub

My code which lists every file found on a worksheet

Dim RowNumber
Sub GetFolderSize()

strFolder = "C:"
RowNumber = 1

Set fso = CreateObject _
Set folder = _

Sheets(1).Cells(RowNumber, 1) = strFolder + "\"
Sheets(1).Cells(RowNumber, 2) = folder.Size
RowNumber = RowNumber + RowNumber

Call GetSubFolderSize(strFolder + "\")
End Sub

Sub GetSubFolderSize(strFolder)
Set fso = CreateObject _

Set folder = _

If folder.subfolders.Count > 0 Then
For Each sf In folder.subfolders
On Error GoTo 100
Call GetSubFolderSize(strFolder + sf.Name + "\")
100 Next sf
End If
'folder size in bytes
On Error GoTo 200
If Not folder.isrootfolder Then
FolderSize = folder.Size
Sheets(1).Cells(RowNumber, 2) = FolderSize
Sheets(1).Cells(RowNumber, 1) = strFolder
RowNumber = RowNumber + 1
End If

200 On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

Myrna Larson

Here is code written some time ago by Bill Manville which does a recursive
search. The path and file name are returned in the array aFiles().

Call the sub with the full path to the top level directory, with or without
the ending backslash, e.g.

C:MyDocuments\ExcelFiles or C:MyDocuments\ExcelFiles\

Option Base 1
Dim aFiles() As String, iFile As Integer

Sub ListFilesInDirectory(Directory As String)
Dim aDirs() As String, iDir As Integer, stFile As String

' use Dir function to find files and directories in Directory
' look for directories and build a separate array of them
' note that Dir returns files as well as directories
'when vbDirectory specified

If Right$(Directory, 1) <> Application.PathSeparator Then
Directory = Directory & Application.PathSeparator
End If

iDir = 0

stFile = Directory & Dir(Directory & "*.*", vbDirectory)
Do While stFile <> Directory
If Right(stFile, 2) = "\." Or Right(stFile, 3) = "\.." Then
' do nothing - GetAttr doesn't like these directories
ElseIf (GetAttr(stFile) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
' add to local array of directories
iDir = iDir + 1
ReDim Preserve aDirs(iDir)
aDirs(iDir) = stFile
' add to global array of files
iFile = iFile + 1
ReDim Preserve aFiles(iFile)
aFiles(iFile) = stFile
End If
stFile = Directory & Dir()

' now, for any directories in aDirs call self recursively
If iDir > 0 Then
For iDir = 1 To UBound(aDirs)
ListFilesInDirectory aDirs(iDir) & Application.PathSeparator
Next iDir
End If
End Sub


ty Myrna,

I'll try and make it work, but not sure my Xcel knowledge is adequate at
this time...but it's fun trying...thanks again,


dan dungan

Hi All,

I'm attempting to learn VBA.

So, I copied this procedure into a sheet module. Using debug.print, I
saw the procedure worked.

However, I don't understand how to get the information into a spread
sheet or to print out.

Thanks for your time and insight.


Myrna Larson

If you are talking about the code I posted, this example writes the list to
the worksheet at the activecell.

Sub FileListToWorkSheet()
Dim DirName As String

DirName = "C:\Docs\Excel"
ListFilesInDirectory DirName
ActiveCell.Resize(UBound(aFiles), 1).Value = Application.Transpose(aFiles)
End Sub

dan dungan

Hi Myrna,

Well, one has to begin somewhere! I do have a couple questions,
though. I hope it's appropriate to ask them here. If not, please let
me know the best place for these questions.

I had never heard of Option Base 1, and I didn't know there are
several option statements. I understand from this group that using
Option Explicit is a good practice.

1. Can a procedure have more than one Option statement?
2. Does Option Base 1 force explicit declaration?

Concerning the line, If Right$(Directory, 1) <>
Application.PathSeparator Then

1. What is the purpose of the $?



Bob Phillips

dan dungan said:
I had never heard of Option Base 1, and I didn't know there are
several option statements. I understand from this group that using
Option Explicit is a good practice.

1. Can a procedure have more than one Option statement?

Yes, as long it is different options
2. Does Option Base 1 force explicit declaration?

No, it sets the number base for arrays and the like to 1 (against 0)
Concerning the line, If Right$(Directory, 1) <>
Application.PathSeparator Then

1. What is the purpose of the $?

Just explicitly saying use the string version of the function.

Myrna Larson

Comments in-line
I had never heard of Option Base 1, and I didn't know there are
several option statements. I understand from this group that using
Option Explicit is a good practice.
1. Can a procedure have more than one Option statement?

Put your cursor on the word Option, then press F1 to get help. Yes, there are
several Option statements: Option Explicit, Option Base 1, Option Compare
Text/Binary, etc
2. Does Option Base 1 force explicit declaration?

No, that's Option Explicit
Concerning the line, If Right$(Directory, 1) <>
Application.PathSeparator Then

1. What is the purpose of the $?

The statement creates a temporary variable. Using the $ at the end means that
Right function should create a STRING variable rather than a variant. It's
better to avoid variants when you can, as it takes extra time to process them
-- the basic engine has to look up the variable, determine its type, then
possibly convert it to what is needed, in this case a string.

Chip Pearson

1. Can a procedure have more than one Option statement?

There are four different Option statements:

Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Option Base 0
Option Private Module

You can have 1 or 0 of each of these, but no duplicates.
2. Does Option Base 1 force explicit declaration?

Option Base 1 sets the default lower bound of arrays. With Option Base 1,
the following array declarations are the same.
Dim Arr(5)
Dim Arr(1 To 5) ' five elements in the array

With Option Base 0, the following array declarations are the same.
Dim Arr(5)
Dim Arr(0 To 5) ' six elements in the array

Personally, I think it is bad programming practice to omit the lower bound
in an array declaration. If you move code from one module to another, the
logic can become faulty if the modules have different Option Base

Option Explicit means that variables must be declared with a Dim statement.

Option Compare Text specifies that text comparisons ignore upper/lower case.
E.g., "ABC" is equal to "abc". Option Compare Binary enforces case, so "ABC"
is NOT the same as "abc".

Option Private Module means that the procedures in the module cannot be
called by other projects that may reference the project containing the
module. I think this is misleading nomenclature. It would be much more
intuitive if the statement were "Option Private Project" because the
procedures are private to the project but may be called by any module in the
1. What is the purpose of the $?

This forces the result as a String instead of a Variant. It is more
efficient, meaning it is faster.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel, 10 Years
Pearson Software Consulting
(email on the web site)

dan dungan

Thanks for your responses, Myrna. Concerning finding an ideal place to
start learning a programming language--it's even worse than you
suspect. I don't know how to program in any language!

I have taken qbasic introduction to programming and vba for Access.

I'm working on a project I'm being paid to complete.

Here's my learning plan:

1. When I need to make an improvement, if I don't know what to do,
I'll search my John Walkenbach books or the newsgroups.

2. When I can't figure out what to do; like now, I start reading other
people's questions. I try to help them if I can. If not I try to
understand the answers their question generated. I'm not able to
figure out how to ask my question, so, I've been trying to find other
well-formed questions as models.

3. That's how I ended up looking at recursion.

Anyway, thanks again for your response.


dan dungan

Hi Chip,
Option Base 1 sets the default lower bound of arrays. With Option Base 1,
the following array declarations are the same.
Dim Arr(5)
Dim Arr(1 To 5) ' five elements in the array

With Option Base 0, the following array declarations are the same.
Dim Arr(5)
Dim Arr(0 To 5) ' six elements in the array

Personally, I think it is bad programming practice to omit the lower bound
in an array declaration.

In either of your examples, it seems to me that you have not omitted
the lower bound in the array declaration, have you?

So, I don't see the usefulness of the Option Base 1 or Option Base 0.

Thanks for your comments and help.


Myrna Larson

Have you looked at the Array statement? It's affected by the Option Base
setting. e.g.

Dim v as variant
v = Array(1,2,3,4,5)

the array bounds are 0 to 4 with no Option Base statement, or with Option Base
0 (the default).

With Option Base 1 at the top of the module, the array bounds are 1 to 5.

Dim Arr(5) specifies the upper bound and omits the lower bound.

Chip Pearson

In either of your examples, it seems to me that you have not omitted
the lower bound in the array declaration, have you?

Each pair of array declarations was supposed to illustrate the difference
between omitting and including the lower bound of the array declaration. The
first Dim statement in each pair omitted the lower bound and the second Dim
statement in each pair showed how the array would need to be declared to
match a Option Base statement. For example, the in pair of declarations

Dim Arr(5)
Dim Arr(1 To 5) ' five elements in the array

the first illustrates not using a lower bound and the second shows how VBA
actually allocates the array if Option Base 1 is in effect. The second pair
of declarations,

Dim Arr(5)
Dim Arr(0 To 5) ' six elements in the array

illustrates again an array without a specified lower bound and how VBA will
allocated the array if Option Base is 0. The point I was trying to make was
that the declaration Dim Arr(5) will allocate two differently sized arrays
depending on the Option Base statement,.

Dim Arr(5) declares an array without a specified lower bound. If you have
Option Base 1, this array declaration is the same as if you used Dim Arr(1
To 5). This array has five elements. If you have Option Base 0 or no Option
Base statement at all, that same array declaration, Dim Arr(5), is the same
as the declaration Dim Arr(0 To 5). This array has six elements.

A potential problem arises when you copy a procedure from one module to
another. If the code is copied from a module using Option Base 1 to a module
using Option Base 0 or no Option Base statement at all, that array
declaration, which originally had 5 element now declares an array with 6
elements. The presence of the extra element may cause the logic of the
procedure to behave in an unintended way.

As I wrote before, I think it is very bad programming practice to omit the
lower bound. In my opinion, all arrays that have bounds specified in the Dim
statement should have both the lower and upper bound specified. I would
never use Dim Arr(5). Instead, I would always use Dim Arr(0 to 5) or Dim
Arr(1 To 5). I never use Option Base at all. It is worth noting that not all
arrays adhere the the Option Base statement. For example, the array created
by the Split function always has a lower bound of 0, regardless of the
Option Base statement.
So, I don't see the usefulness of the Option Base 1 or Option Base 0.

Not only is it not useful in any meaningful way, it is an invitation to bugs
if you are a proponent of code reuse.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel, 10 Years
Pearson Software Consulting
(email on the web site)

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