Listbox question



I have a listbox on a userform. The list displayed in the listbox comes from
a procedure (using .addItem). What I want to do is when an item from the list
is selected, that item is put in the active cell of the worksheet and I have
that working (code below). The problem I am having is that after I have made
a selection, I cannot update the next cell with the same value, I must select
another item from the list and many times I want to use the same item over
and over again. I have a cmdCloseFrm button on the form to stop the input

Private Sub lstPickIt_Click()
Dim rngActive As String, stgrNew As String
rngActive = ActiveWindow.ActiveCell.Address
ActiveCell.Value = lstPickIt.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select

End Sub

Jim Cone

Private Sub lstPickIt_Click()
ActiveCell.Value = lstPickIt.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Value = lstPickIt.Value
End Sub


Private Sub lstPickIt_Click()
Dim rngActive As Excel.Range
Set rngActive = ActiveCell
'Expand the range to 4 cells
Set rngActive = rngActive.Resize(4, 1)
rngActive.Value = lstPickIt.Value
End Sub
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

"Billy B" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
I have a listbox on a userform. The list displayed in the listbox comes from
a procedure (using .addItem). What I want to do is when an item from the list
is selected, that item is put in the active cell of the worksheet and I have
that working (code below). The problem I am having is that after I have made
a selection, I cannot update the next cell with the same value, I must select
another item from the list and many times I want to use the same item over
and over again. I have a cmdCloseFrm button on the form to stop the input

Private Sub lstPickIt_Click()
Dim rngActive As String, stgrNew As String
rngActive = ActiveWindow.ActiveCell.Address
ActiveCell.Value = lstPickIt.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select

End Sub


Thanks..I couldn't get either to work right but playing around some more I
found that if I put the code in the lstPickIt_Dblclick() event procedure it
works great.

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