(List or Array(Unidimencional)) Date structure in time of execution

  • Thread starter J Ivan P Silvestre
  • Start date

J Ivan P Silvestre

Is true in bath dont exist list's or array's so I create the an
estructure with diferents method's just like a List in c#:

set %1=%2,%3

set count=0
if %2 lss 0 (echo Index inexistent!!! & goto:EOF)
set lenght=0
call :List_Lenght %1 lenght
if %lenght% lss %2 (echo Index inexistent!!! & goto:EOF)
for %%k in (%~1) do (if %2 equ %count% (set %3=%%k) else (set /a count
+=1) )

set count=0
for %%k in (%1) do (set /a count+=1)
set %2=%count%

set %3=false
for %%k in (%1) do (if %%k equ %2 ( set %3=true))

for %%k in (%1) do (echo%%k)

set %1End=false
IF not defined count (set count=0) else (set /a count+=1)
call :List_Lenght %1 count2
IF %count2% lss %count%(set %1End=true&Goto:EOF)
call :List_Return_Value_by_index %1 %count% %3

set listaux=
call :List_Lenght %2 ln
set /a indexbound=%3-1
FOR /L %%a IN (0,1,%indexbound%) DO (
call :List_Return_Value_by_index %2 %%a val
call :List_add_value listaux %listaux% %val%
call :List_add_value listaux %listaux% %4
if %3 equ %ln% (set %1=%listaux%&goto:EOF)
set /a indexbound=%3+1
FOR /L %%a IN (%indexbound%,1,%ln%) DO (
call :List_Return_Value_by_index %2 %%a val
call :List_add_value listaux %listaux% %val%
set %1=%listaux%
A small consept of list or array I've created for bath:
this is literally consept base in a variable which we fill separated
values with "," with the following methods and get position, the list
of properties and order of values. In addition to that we can change
values in positions especific efficiently. So you can create their
lists in time of execution which can contain any kind of values very
much in the style of other languages. Of course you'll also see the
lists from a standpoint of structuring data.

- List_add_value:
call: List_add_value List ContentOfTheList ValueForAdd
to add values to the list is not necessary to create the first
you can simply call
call: List_add_value var%% var blue

- List_Return_Value_by_index:
call: List_Return_Value_by_index ContentOfTheList index
The minimum value of the index is always zero
call: List_Return_Value_by_index% 2% var result

- List_Lenght:
takes us back the amount of securities in the chain always counting
from zero
Call: List_Lenght ContentOfTheList VarToRecieveValue

- List_Contain:
It returns in a variable true if the list contains some value
otherwise false
call: List_Contain ContentOfTheList valorhacontener

- List_Show:
Prints the list on the console
Call: List_Show ContentOfTheList

- List_Iterator_current:
this method every time you invoked and returns the following value in
the list
call: List_Iterator_current List ContentOfTheList ReturnValue

You also creates a variable nombredelalista + End containing true in
the case has finished iteration otherwise false. For thus facilitating
its use in cycles.

- List_set_var_by_index:
SETE a value of the list in a specific index
call: List_set_var_by_index list ContentOfTheList index newvalue


Is true in bath dont exist list's or array's

That's true, but I very often use "pseudoarray".
For example:

@echo off

for %%i in (one two three) do call:newArray %%i
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('set newarr_') do (
echo %%i

set /a cnt+=1
set newarr_%cnt%=%1

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