List of Names, Dates, Durations ...


Iain Halder


I hope someone can help me here ...

I have a list of names well over 2000 and growing listed in one
column. Adjacent to this column is a list of admission dates and also
a third column of discharge dates.

Joe Bloggs 22-Jan-05 27-Jan-05

I need to be able to get Excel to count this entire list of names but
identify each name and how often it appears and when.

I work with the NHS and my reason for asking this question is I need
to be able ...

* to identify frequent attenders to our services.
* to see how many people re-refer to our services within 28 days of
being discharged
* how many are also discharged within 28 days of admission and
* the duration of their stay.

I'm thinking SUMPRODUCT will do the job with some arithmetic related
to counting length of stay.

However where I am stuck is in the first part of being able to get the
computer to run through this initial list counting the names and how
often they appear. The approach I'm adopting at the moment is a manual
one of getting excel to sort the names alphabetically and physically
counting them and then checking the dates visually. This is not really
practical though, as you could imagine.

Hope someone here can be of help or refer me even to an online source
that can.

Thank you guys in advance.

Iain Halder
Rescued Cats & Kittens Needing Homes



A pivot table would probably be ideal for this but since I hate pivot tables
I can't really recommend them. <vbg>

OTOH, (and this is what I would do) all you need to do is to extract the
unique names to another location then you can do any number analytical
operations on the data.

For instance, you can use an advanced filter to extract the uniques and copy
them to another location. Assume that new location is sheet2 A1:A500. The
original data is on sheet1 A1:A2000.

To get the count of each name on sheet2 B1 enter this formula:


Double click the fill handle to copy this formula down to A500.


Iain Halder

Hi Guys!

Thanks for the quick replies and I'll try the both of these out. I'm
not really that up on pivot tables but I'll give it a shot.

Thanks Again for the help all you guys offer on this newsgroup!


Roger Govier

Hi Iain

In spite of Biff's aversion to Pivot Tables <vbg> I would recommend you take
the trouble to learn how to use them.

The small effort in learning will be well rewarded with the ease and speed
with which you can perform all sorts of anlyses without writing a single
formula yourself.

Biff is so good at formulas and loves the challenge of writing new ones, he
doesn't need them, but mere mortals like you and I do. <bg>


Roger Govier

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