list in report



I hope someone has an idea of how to accomplish this.
I have a report that has several fields that are unique, but there is a
circuit field
that may have up to 50 items, I set the report up to pull in a sub report that
will show those items under the circuit heading.
Now for the problem.
They do not want the circuits listed in a row they want them to run
and then wrap to the next line when needed. I know of a form, I could run a
and make a list of the items and concatenate them together then fill in the
text box with the concatenated text string. How would you go about getting
this done for
a report?
Best I can come up with is to create a table when they open the report that
puts all the circuits in one field, them I'm afraid of gong over the alloted
length of that field.
ANY help would be greatly appreciated.

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