List box value problem



I have several list boxes on a user form, with option buttons. For most of
the listboxes I retrieve the selected value like this (for listbox "lbShift"):

Private Sub lbShift_Click()
Shift = lbShift.Value
End Sub

This works well and behaves as I expected. I then added one more listbox and
tried to get the value the same way:

Private Sub lbNumHours_Click()
NumHours = lbNumHours.Value
End Sub

But a value never gets assigned to NumHours. I've compared everything I can
think of between the different list boxes and can't figure out why most of
them work, but the one I added today doesn't. If I edit the Sub I'm using it
in to use "lbNumHours.Value" instead of "NumHours" it works. Why?

Bob Umlas

Put a breakpoint on the line
NumHours = lbNumHours.Value
and see if it actually gets there. Perhaps the name changed.
What's the declaration of NumHours? Maybe it exists only in that sub because
you didn't Dim it?

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