List Box in Access 97


Tony Nichols

Can anyone tell me if you can use the AddItem method in a
list box on a form in Access 97?

I have used the method in VBA for AutoCAD 2002 which uses
the VBA reference associated with VB 6.0. I believe
Access 97 uses VB 4.0 and I have not experience with the
older versions of VB (VBA).

I tried changing the reference to the newer reference but
the system will not allow me to uncheck the VBA reference
or add and new reference to the newer dll.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Tony Nichols

Brendan Reynolds

No, the AddItem method was new in Access 2002. And no, sorry, you can't use
a later version of VBA with Access 97. If the Row Source is a Value List,
you can concatenate additional items into the string (Me!ListBox.RowSource =
Me!ListBox.RowSource & ";New Item"). Otherwise, add the new data to the
source table and requery the listbox.

Brendan Reynolds (MVP)

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