Linq - Class is not an entity?




I'm having a problem that occurs during runtime. The error is
System.InvalidOperationException : Invalid association mapping for
member 'MyCompany.Data.Application.Applications.Messages'.
'MyCompany.Data.Application.Applications' is not an entity.

Any ideas? Here's the Applications type:

using System;

using System.Data.Linq;
using MyCompany.Data;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data.Linq.Mapping;

namespace MyCompany.Data.Application {
/// <summary>Represents the <c>Application</c> table.</summary>
[Table( Name = "dbo.vApplication" ), EntityAttributes( EntityName =
"Application" )]
public sealed class Applications :
#region Columns

private int? applicationId;

/// <summary>Gets or sets the <c>ApplicationGuid</c>.</summary>
[Column( Storage = "applicationId" ), DataField( IsKeyColumn =
true )]
public int? ApplicationId {
get { return applicationId; }
set {
if ( applicationId != value ) {
SendPropertyChanging( "ApplicationId" );
applicationId = value;
SendPropertyChanged( "ApplicationId" );

/// <summary>Gets or sets the <c>ApplicationGuid</c>.</summary>
[Column, DataField]
public Guid? ApplicationGuid { get; set; }

/// <summary>Gets or sets the <c>AppName</c>.</summary>
[Column, DataField]
public String AppName { get; set; }

[Column, DataField]
public String AppInstanceKey { get; set; }

[Column, DataField]
public String LockoutMessage { get; set; }

/// <summary>Gets or sets the <c>LockoutStartDate</c>.</summary>
[Column, DataField( FieldName = "LockoutStartDate" )]
private DateTime? LockoutStartDateUTC { get; set; }

public DateTime? LockoutStartDate {
get { return ConvertToLocalTime( LockoutStartDateUTC ); }
set { LockoutStartDateUTC = ConvertToUniversalTime( value ); }


#region Associations

private EntitySet<ApplicationMessage> messages;

[Association( Storage = "messages", OtherKey = "ApplicationId" )]
public EntitySet<ApplicationMessage> Messages {
get { return messages; }
set { messages.Assign( value ); }


#region Methods

private void SendPropertyChanged( string propertyName ) {
if ( ( PropertyChanged != null ) ) {
new PropertyChangedEventArgs( propertyName )

private void SendPropertyChanging( string propertyName ) {
if ( ( PropertyChanging != null ) ) {
new PropertyChangingEventArgs( propertyName )


#region Event handlers

private void Messages_OnAdd( ApplicationMessage message ) {
message.Application = this;

private void Messages_OnRemove( ApplicationMessage message ) {
message.Application = null;


#region Constructors

public Applications() {
messages = new EntitySet<ApplicationMessage>(


#region INotifyPropertyChanged Members

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;


#region INotifyPropertyChanging Members

public event PropertyChangingEventHandler PropertyChanging;


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