linq and gridview sorting



Hi all,

I am using and c# and linq to sql.

I have...

private void BuildHistory()
using (coDataClassesDataContext dc = new coDataClassesDataContext())
var TrailerHistory = from th in dc.TrailerHistories.Where(a =>
a.TrailerID == FleetIDEdit.Text)
orderby th.DateOfRepair descending
select th;

HistoryGridView.DataSource = TrailerHistory;

then I want to sort the gridview by clicking a column title, so I have...

protected void HistoryGridView_Sorting(object sender,
GridViewSortEventArgs e)

DataTable dataTable = HistoryGridView.DataSource as DataTable;

if (dataTable != null)
DataView dataView = new DataView(dataTable);
dataView.Sort = e.SortExpression + " " +

HistoryGridView.DataSource = dataView;

The problem is that dataTable is null.

Stepping through, it tells when I hover over the .DataSource

"Cannot access a disposed object.\r\nObject name: 'DataContext accessed
after Dispose.'."

which is sort of obvious, but it doesn't really tell me enough information
that I can fix it.

Should I basically have my whole linq inside the Sorting function? If so,
how do i then build my orderby clause?


Best regards,
Dave Colliver.
~~ - Local franchises available

Ashish Sheth

I think you can pass the column name and sortDirection as parameter to your
BuildHistory method and dynamically generate the linq statement based on the
parameter values. Something like this:

private void BuildHistory(string columnName, string direction)
using (coDataClassesDataContext dc = new coDataClassesDataContext())
var TrailerHistory = from th in dc.TrailerHistories.Where(a =>
a.TrailerID == FleetIDEdit.Text)
select th;
if(columnName == "DateOfRepair" && direction == "ascending")
TrailerHistory = TrailerHistory.OrderBy(x => x.DateOfRepair)
else if(columnName == "DateOfRepair" && direction == "descending")
TrailerHistory = TrailerHistory.OrderByDescending(x =>
HistoryGridView.DataSource = TrailerHistory;
Obviously you have to write if/else statement for each of your column.

Ashish Sheth

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