


I am having a problem with internet explorer. I tried the beta verson and it
didn't work right so I uninstalled it and it automatically reinstalled
explorer 6. When I click links so work but alot dont do anything. No windows
will open up when I click a link and a windows is suppose to open. I have
lowered the security to low, and when through everything and there is no
security on for it every option to allow every is on. I couldn't even get to
this group with it. I am currently using foxfire and I really don't like it.
Can anyone help?

Rob Parsons

Hi Michael,

Check the properties of the links that don't work (right click>Properties).
I have checked the links on my ie7 machine and they seem in order, but you
may have added links while using 7... nope that seems to be working fine...
mmmm check your Advanced tab on internet options - HTTP settings.

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