Links in Excel



Is there a way to maintain links when files are renamed? i.e. File A links
to file B. I want to rename file A to A2006 and B to B2006. The links still
refer to file B. Any suggestions?


You can use Find and Replace. It is easier to do if both files A and B
are open. Use File | Save As to save file B as B2006. Open file B again
(so you now have 3 files open) . Highlight all the cells in file A
containing the links to file B, and Edit | Replace (or CTRL-H). In the
Find what box enter:


and in the Replace with box enter:


click Replace All. Then use File | Save As to rename file A as A2006.
When you are happy that both files have been renamed and the links are
working correctly, you can delete files A and B from the folder.

Hope this helps.


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