Links in Email no longer work after SP2 installed



Can anyone advise me as to why links in my emails in outlook express no
longer work after installing SP2?

Since installing SP2, whenever I click on a link nothing happens...initially
pics in emails didn't show up, but I got that corrected...but I cannot find
anything in options that relates to links working or not working...

any help would be greatly appreciated...


Touch Base

Oh no!
The links aren't working like they once did in Outlook Express.

You either can't click 'em or they're not going anywhere. Or, perhaps
every time you open a link in a new window through your mail client,
Internet Explorer spits back a blank page.

Have no fear - Geekdude is here! The solution is quite simple (and it
doesn't require a reinstallation); we just need to re-register the URL
monitor. Heck, if you're having any kind of hyperlink hassle, give this
a whirl. When software doesn't behave, sometimes you have to spank it.

Click on Start | Run and enter: "REGSVR32 URLMON.DLL" (sans quotes). You
should then have a dialog tell you that the procedure was completed.

Next, fire up Microsoft's Web Browser (IE) and Click Tools | Internet
Options | Programs | then click the "Reset Web Settings" button. Now,
check to see if Web links work like they should in your e-mail client.
With any luck, you'll have returned your system to normal.

Also have a look here if solution above does not work:

Internet Shortcuts in Outlook Express Don't Start Browser [Q177054]

Nothing Happens When You Click a Link in Outlook Express [Q176581]

Q260238 - OLEXP: Hyperlinks in Outlook Express May Not Be Active:

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