links in Discussion Pages



I am using Front Page - I have a message board up that works. However two of
the fields to be filled are an Email and a URL fields. When the message is
posted those fields comes back just as text. Can someone please tell me how I
can make the page that is returned from the server with the posting on it
show the text as an email link and the URL as a hyperlink.

Thomas A. Rowe

For security, no HTML tags are allowed in the discussion web.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Can someone please give me the code for an email and a URL field in a form so
that on a Discussion page that I have designed - when the person posts their
email and URL - after they press submit and info goes to server I want the
message to return the email and URL as Hyperlinks.

Thomas A. Rowe


Both items would require HTML code to be generated, and that is the security issue, because then any
(good or bad) HTML code can be entered, so it not allowed in the FP Discussion web.

However, you can try the following and see if it works, and if it does, then provide instructions
for your users, if not and you still want to offer this ability, then you would need a use another
forum application.

Email Address: Enter as: mailto:[email protected]

URL: Enter as

Also if you can see a active email address on a web page, then that email address is available to
all email spam harvesting robots, in most cases.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Thank you Thomas for your information. I did put in the "mailto" in the email
field and in the URL field I put in http:// but when the information was
returned from the server it did not come in as a link. So thank you for your
help and I think I'll just let this slide.


Thomas - in the URL field I put <a href>http://</a>
and above it text to instruct the user to put their URL to the left of </a>
with an example. So will see if this works. The email - if wanted to be used
for contact with someone else can just be copied and pasted. Thank you.

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