LinkMasterFields error message



When opening a form I am getting this error message: "The
LinkMasterFields property setting has producted this
error: 'Ambiguous name detected: NewParticipant_Click'
The form opens when I hit OK, but I don't have any idea
how to trace this to see what I've done wrong.

I had added two command buttons to the form to take you to
a related form, but deleted them while trying to track
this error.

Suggestions greatly appreciated.


Sounds like you may have copied a procedure and forgot to
rename the copy. View your code and do a find
on 'NewParticipant_Click'. I bet you'll find you've got 2
of them in your module. Either delete one, or rename it
to map to the button you'd intended. Good luck.


Hi Nanc:
Click on the code button and check the code behind
the form for more than one copy of NewParticipant_Click
and any other duplicate code. Sometimes when you are
designing forms or troubleshooting you delete buttons and
then add them back in forgetting about the original code.

Hope This Helps


Thanks - that's what had happened and I don't know much
about the code behind Access. Really appreciate the quick


Thanks for the quick reply - that's what the problem was.
I don't know much about the code, so would never have
found it. Thanks again

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