linking values and formats on from different sheets



I have a set of data (and cell formating) on sheet A that I'd like to copy
over onto sheet B. The trick is that I'd like to ultimately sort sheet B
differently than A.

Could anyone tell me if it's possible to link not only data between sheets
but also formats and how I'd accomplish this?

Assuming success, can the rows be resorted without breaking the links to
sheet A?



Hi Rick,

Need some confirmation of about your requirement re breaking the links.

Assume that if Sheet1 cell A3 is linked to Sheet2 cell A3.

You sort Sheet2 and the contents of cell A3 finishes up in cell A7.

Which cell do you now want linked to Sheet1? (A3 or A7)




No problem...

Let me break it down a little more... The first thing I'm trying to do is
carry over the formating from lets say sheet 1 cell A1 onto sheet 2 A1 so
that if the cells color or shading is changed on sheet 1, that automatically
carries over to sheet 2.

Once this is accomplished, I'm planning on either filtering or sorting the
data on sheet 2 to support a different type of report...

The key is that the same data on both sheets needs to be formated that same
regardless which sheet I'm looking at. They may be contained within
different rows depending on if you look at sheet 1 or 2 but the overall
format assocated with the data structure needs to hold.

Does this help....


Hi again Rick,

My apologies for not replying quickly but I have spent some time working out
how to achieve what you want do.

I don't think that there is any way of linking the format such as color
because conditional format does not allow references in other worksheets or

The actual linked cells can be sorted and will remain linked to the original
irrespective of their location on the second worksheet. Any existing
formatting stays with them.

I can write a macro to update the color formatting on the second sheet after
you have updated it on the first sheet if you are interested in that.

If you are interested in the macro, do you need instructions on copying the
macro into your workbook? Also what version of xl are you using because there
is a slight difference with the instructions between xl2007 and earlier



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