Linking to another worksheet


Andrew Stephen


I am not sure I am go to explain this correctly, but I will try my best.

I have a workbook with a number of worksheets called week 1, week 2 up to
week 52.

I then have a summary sheet that is used to summarise data from the various
weeks. In the summary worksheet I have a column listing the weeks

5 Week 1
6 Week 2
7 Week 3

and what I would like to do is use the name of the week to link to the
worksheets rather then using say ='Week 2'!T$27 as I have approx 50 cells
that I summarise the day and would like to make adding of a new week a
little easier.

I hope I have explained this OK and appreciated any suggestions.


Ron de Bruin

hi Andrew

You can use indirect

With the sheet names in B

=INDIRECT("'" & B1 &"'!A1")

If your sheet names are Week 1, Week 2..... Week 52 you can also use this
Then copy this formula in A1 and copy down

=INDIRECT("'Week " & ROW()&"'!A1")

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