Linking to an "almost" live pic



I have a .jpg file that is updated every 5 sec by an application. In what file should that pic be stored, and how should the picture properties be configured such that the server serves that pic that frequently updated pic?

(Running WinXP Pro, IIS 5.1, FP2003, FPSE 2002, URLScaon & IIS Lockdown)

Steve Easton

Any location you want as long as it's publicly accessible.

As for picture properties, you need to make sure it is always the same size ( height and width ) and
always sent / saved to the server with the same file name.

Then in the web page that displays it, use a meta refresh tag to refresh the page, which will
"usually" refresh the image on a set interval.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="5"> will refresh the page every five seconds.

However.!!!!! the drawback is, if the viewer doesn't have the browser set up properly, the browser
will refresh the image from the cache file. To stop this you "Might" use a content expires meta tag
with a date set in the past.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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StarView said:
I have a .jpg file that is updated every 5 sec by an application. In what file should that pic be
stored, and how should the picture properties be configured such that the server serves that pic
that frequently updated pic?


Thanks for the reply. I need more guidance though if possible.
1) What directory on my PC should be designated as publicly accessible within which to save the pic?
2) How does that folder's properties need to be configured such that it is publically accessible?
3) How can that folder & file be protected from someone modifying yet still allow the application that creates the pci to write to that folder?
4) What needs to be configured in the properties for the pic such that it references that file in that public folder?

Thomas A. Rowe

Suggest that you post to the Windows or IIS newsgroup, as this is not really FP related.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

StarView said:
Thanks for the reply. I need more guidance though if possible.
1) What directory on my PC should be designated as publicly accessible within which to save the pic?
2) How does that folder's properties need to be configured such that it is publically accessible?
3) How can that folder & file be protected from someone modifying yet still allow the application
that creates the pci to write to that folder?

Andrew Murray

Do you mean you have a web camera operating or the software uploads a different
image every five minutes or something like that, or a cycle of images (like a
slide show) ?

Depending on the software that activates the web camera (if this is the case)
then you save a picture to the server such as 'camera.jpg' and the webcam
software will upload the next photo taken as the same file name to overright the
existing image, and you use a refresh function in javascript or meta tag or
something to refresh every five minutes.

The picture should be stored as a normal picture file (i.e. *.jpg).

StarView said:
I have a .jpg file that is updated every 5 sec by an application. In what file
should that pic be stored, and how should the picture properties be configured
such that the server serves that pic that frequently updated pic?


If that's the case I'd put the webcam ftp image(s) in a subweb.

| Do you mean you have a web camera operating or the software uploads a different
| image every five minutes or something like that, or a cycle of images (like a
| slide show) ?
| Depending on the software that activates the web camera (if this is the case)
| then you save a picture to the server such as 'camera.jpg' and the webcam
| software will upload the next photo taken as the same file name to overright the
| existing image, and you use a refresh function in javascript or meta tag or
| something to refresh every five minutes.
| The picture should be stored as a normal picture file (i.e. *.jpg).
| | > I have a .jpg file that is updated every 5 sec by an application. In what file
| should that pic be stored, and how should the picture properties be configured
| such that the server serves that pic that frequently updated pic?
| >
| > (Running WinXP Pro, IIS 5.1, FP2003, FPSE 2002, URLScaon & IIS Lockdown)

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