Linking to a file in another program



I have a powerpoint presentation template that links to an excel spreadsheet
template. The program works great, except when I change the file names from
the Template name to something else, the Links still refer to the excel
template file, rather than the file with all the data that has been renamed.
How can I get the links to update to the new named file without clicking
EDIT, LINK and then updating each link, one by one, to the new file?

Steve Rindsberg

I have a powerpoint presentation template that links to an excel spreadsheet
template. The program works great, except when I change the file names from
the Template name to something else, the Links still refer to the excel
template file, rather than the file with all the data that has been renamed.
How can I get the links to update to the new named file without clicking
EDIT, LINK and then updating each link, one by one, to the new file?

Have a look here ...

Search and Replace for Hyperlinks


Thank you Steve, that was very helpful. However, I am now getting an error
message when I run this macro. Have you used this macro before? If so, would
you mind helping me figure out what i did wrong? thanks.

Steve Rindsberg

Thank you Steve, that was very helpful. However, I am now getting an error
message when I run this macro. Have you used this macro before?

On my own test files, yes, but everybody's situation's a bit different. You may
have hit something it's not ready to cope with.
If so, would
you mind helping me figure out what i did wrong? thanks.

Well, it might not be you; could be the macro y'know. :)

Let's see if we can't figure out what's up. First, I'll need to know the exact
text of the error message.

Hint: when it appears again, press Ctrl+Shift+C to copy the text.

Also, tell me what the current path is and what you're entering to replace it with.

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