Linking Related Records




I'm pretty new to Access. I have a table I use to track issues. Each issue
has several fields, one of which is country. I want to create a form where
if I pick country X, I will see all of the previous records for country X.
How do I do this?


John W. Vinson


I'm pretty new to Access. I have a table I use to track issues. Each issue
has several fields, one of which is country. I want to create a form where
if I pick country X, I will see all of the previous records for country X.
How do I do this?


One way would be to use a Form with a Subform, both based on the same table.
Use the Country as the master and child link field for the subform.

If you just want to be able to select a country and display all records for
that country, use the Toolbox Combo Box Wizard to create a combo box on the
form; use the option "use this combo to find records" or whatever the wording

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