Linking multiple excel worksheets into Word




I am linking an excel spreadsheet into Word (2002) using Insert > Object.

I want to display several worksheets from the same excel file in the Word

This is easy to set up, but .. if I close and then re-open the Word document
all places in the Word document display the same identical worksheet.

The only solution it seems is to split the excel worksheets into seperate
files. Not an elegant solution. Any ideas?


Shauna Kelly

Hi Rod

Insert > Object might not be the best way to go. The following method works
for me. Select the range in Excel and do Edit > Copy, Change to Word. Edit >
Paste Special. Choose Paste Link, and choose Microsoft Office Excel
Worksheet Object. Now, click OK.

The field that Word inserts is something like the following:
{ LINK Excel.Sheet.8 "Book1" "Sheet1!R1C1:R3C3" \a \p }

So I can see that the link is to a specific range in a specific worksheet.

By the way, if you don't need to edit the Excel file from within Word, you
might consider pasting as a picture when you do Edit > Paste Special. It can
still be linked to the Excel file, and therefore update when the Excel file

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.


Thanks Shauna,
This does what I am looking for. Never thought about using paste special,
strange Word help doesn't point in this direction.

Incidentally I didn't get "\a \p" am I missing out on something?

Thanks again
PS just peeked at your site, looks interesting especially the Styles stuff -
I might get to understand this one day.

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