Linking many powerpoint presentations into one



Thanks for the help up front. I am one of seven
presenters at a conference in Denver this August. We are
presenting one after the other, and I thought it would
look more professional if all of our presentations were
combined into one. Our association's logo would be the
separator between speakers. This would cut down on the
hassle of loading up the next presentation, standby-mode
for the projector, etc. The logo is animated (mpeg), and
would loop until the next speaker is introduced. On the
next mouse/remote click, their presentation is ready.
This is the problem: I have all seven presentations open,
and when I go to copy/paste them into the new file, the
backgrounds don't come with them. I do not want all seven
presentations to be the same, but I want the backgrounds
that were with the originals. Any help? (Sorry so



When we do this we create a single slide presentation as a
Menu and incorporate any logo or visuals as necessary.
Then using Insert | Object | Create From File navigate to
the first presentation and insert it. Resize and position
as necessary. Save the Menu presentation. Then select
the inserted object, use Slide Show | Action Settings |
and select Show on mouse click. Repeat for all. You'll
have an almost foolproof way for all presenters to access
their material and not kick anyone out, get out of order,
etc. Also, all presntations are embedded in the Menu
Presentation so it's easy to transfer. A last nice touch
is to disable the Advance on Mouse Click in the transition
selection for the Menu slide so nobody can accidently stop
the show. Good luck.

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