Linking homepage with index.htm



I'm having problems with my website when I click back to the homepage. I have
links that take you to the home page, but instead of saying something like, it reads as

This index.htm is read as a different page and thus is treated differently
such as ads won't show up, the hit counter is different for each, etc. Is
there anything I can do to help correct this problem???

Rick Budde

Now for a definition of terms: The "" in your
example is your WEBSITE ADDRESS (or URL). The "index.htm"
is the HOMEPAGE on your WEBISTE.

The home page name is set by your host. This is usually
either "index" or "default". With this designation,
visitors may access your site by simply typing in your
web site address. The server then supplies the proper
home page name and thus your home page appears.

Visit some sites on the web and observe what they show in
the Address bar of IE when you access their home page.


I understand what you are saying, but my question is when you go off the
home page, then click on a link to go back, it's acting like a different
page. The hit counter is different for each and one will show ads and the
other won't. I don't understand why it's doing that. My website is if i click on a link, then click back to the home
page a index.htm will show at the back of it, and it won't display the same
information as the page without the index.htm does.

Steve Easton

When you publish, FrontPage queries the server and determines what the proper file name is for your
"Home page." If the home page on your local copy is named index.htm and the server needs it to be
named index.html FrontPage and the "server" will rename it.
If you then publish again you can wind up having both index.htm and index.html on the server.

You need to find out what the "default" page is that your server requires.
you can do this by opening
and then ( or default.htm / default.html

Then with your "local web" open in FrontPage rename the local copy to the proper name and let
FrontPage update all of the links when prompted.

Then publish your web again.
Then open the remote / live site in FrontPage and delete then "un-needed" file.


Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Under my local web in frontpage, my link to the home page is index.htm. It
won't let me change it to anything else.

one thing I did notice is under my webpage I type index.html it shows how
the homepage should look, and when I type index.htm it's not the same. Why
is that and how can I fix that without having to fix my entire site or links
to the homepage?


On your local site, rename the home page index.htm to index.html (right
click index.htm choose Rename and add the l to the extension.)

All the links will be updated. Republish. FrontPage may offer to delete
index.htm from the server - do so.


Hi Steve,
I am having this same problem. I am on my local and when I try to change the
name from index.htm to index.html it says are you sure you want to rename
"index.htm"? You are renaming the home page for your site. This could cause
broken links, broken link bars and errors when publishing. So needless to say
I am hesitant to do this my URL is: should I go ahead
and change it? Help! How does this happen anyway?

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