linking forms to tables



Hi, how can I get a form to add a record to a table? I created tables,then I
created forms using information from one of the tables but I have failed to
link the two. What I actually want to do is to be able to usethe form to add
a record to the table.


What you need to do is establish a relationship between the two tables. You
need to have a primary key. To do this you need to highlight the field in the
table design window and press on the "key" button in the tool bar and key
will appear in the design. Save it.

If you go to tools -> relationships you can then show your two tables and
establish a relationship by dragging the primary key field to the foreign key
and determine what kind of relationship it is (1-to-1 or 1-to-many). The
field you use to establish the relationship needs to be the same.

When you create the form you can select the two tables and it will ask you
how you want it to look.

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