Linking cells together when sorting


IT Drew

Hi there,

I have a user who is trying to sort a spreadsheet. He has 2 columns. 1 =
Company name 2 = value


Microsoft Games 25479
Microsoft Windows 45524
Bizarre Creations 98445
eBay 17889
Skype 65788

The user would like to sort by value, but somehow keep the companies
together. Skype and eBay are owned by the same company, but if you search by
value it will put ebay near the top and skype near the bottom. Same with MS.
Bizarre is owned by MS, but if you sorted by value it would be near the top
and other MS companies would be near the top.

Basically, he wants multiple cells to act as one cell. Is this possible?



Not clear what you want, I think you want to keep companies together and
then sort by value within the company, in that case select both columns and
1st criteria for sorting will be by company, then select a 2nd criteria and
here you select by value

if this helps please click yes, thanks

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