Linked Word Templates Open As File/New



My Access form contains a table of hyperlinked Word templates for th
user to choose. These Word templates have automation built in, wit
fillin’ fields and some have merge fields based on access table data.
When the user opens the linked template from the Access form, it open
the template as if opening from the file/open menu in Word instead o
opening as file/new. This causes the automation in the form to no
activate. Have also tried embedded objects instead of link. How do
tell the selected document on the access form to open as if file/new i
Word? Thank you

Mark Phillipson


You may want to consider using Automation from access and just storing the
word template file names in a table.

Air Code:

Dim wrd As Word.Application
Set wrd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
wrd.Visible = True

wrd.Documents.Add Template:= _

wrd.ActiveDocument.SaveAs Filename:="some_name.doc"





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