Linked Tables



Using Access 2007. I have a DB with 2 tables, 1st field in each table is
"Code", a numeric field. I enter data in table 1, which consists of 3
fields - Code - Date - Amount. Table 2 has Code - Supplier fields. I have a
report, based on a query, that shows the Date - Supplier - Amount fields.
The 2 Code fields are joined by a Relationship in the query.

I would like to set up a rule, if that is what it is called, so that I
cannot enter a Code number in Table 1 unless that Code number exists in
Table 2. It seems to me I did this many years ago in a database far away,
but cannot remember the process I used.


Allen Browne

Not sure that structure really makes sense, but if you have some reason to
go that way, just open the Relationships window (on the Database Tools tab
of the ribbon), and create a relation between your 2 tables based on the
Code field.

Be sure to get the relation the right way around (Table1 is the primary
table?), and to check the box for Referential integrity.

More info in this old article:
Referential Integrity can't be that easy!



Thanks, that did what I wanted. I had the wrong table as primary. It has
been a long time since I have done any work w/Access and I am trying to get
back into it. As I learn, I'm sure my structures will improve - I
Thanks again,

Not sure that structure really makes sense, but if you have some reason to
go that way, just open the Relationships window (on the Database Tools tab
of the ribbon), and create a relation between your 2 tables based on the
Code field.

Be sure to get the relation the right way around (Table1 is the primary
table?), and to check the box for Referential integrity.

More info in this old article:
Referential Integrity can't be that easy!

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