Linked Tables in MDE



I inherited someones database, and I will try to explain as best as I can.

I work on a Account.mde datbase, that has a Account.mdb file, and another
database called Accountdata.mdb. The Account.mbd is linked to the data in
the Accountdata.mdb file. I have a field in a table in the Accountdata.mdb
that I want to appear in the Account.mdb, but everytime I update through link
manager, it updates, but nothing appears.

Can someone please help.

Thank you

Albert D.Kallal

Often, the form, or report in question is based on a query.

If you go to the data table and add the new fields, they will NOT appear.

So, if a form, or report needs this extra field, you will have to modify the
query that the form, or report users.

OF course, after you are finished modifying the mdb file (the account.mdb),
you will then create a mde out of this..and this will then be distributed to
each user.

I explain the process of linking here:

So, if you add a new field, you need to modify the query and include this
new field. You then will have to modify the approate forms and reports to
include this new field (this will not happen on its own...YOU must make
these changes).


Thank you for the link, I will keep it as a reference tool. But I still have
a question, how do I modify the query and then how do I modify the

thank you

Albert D.Kallal

metaltecks said:
Thank you for the link, I will keep it as a reference tool. But I still
a question, how do I modify the query and then how do I modify the

Well, I assume the problem here was that you added a new field to a table.
You of course opened up what we call the "back end" to make this

So, in accountdata.mdb, you added the new field to a particular table.

You then exit this back end database...

Then, when you went back to what we call the front end (accountd.mdb), then
the extra new field SHOULD appear in the linked table.

So, try the above....the new field should appear when you open up the linked

However, if you then open up a form in design mode, the extra field should
appear. However, if the form is based on a query, then you must open up that
query, and modify it to include the new field.

So, what is not clear here is where/when is the new field not appearing. Try
opening up the front end (account.mdb), and then open up the table in
question...does the new field show? (it should...).

Now, close the table, and bring up the form in question in DESIGN mode..and
check what query you used for the data source of that form....

It is this data source for the form that needs to be modified....

I do explain in that article in detail how the process of modifying tables
structure (such as adding fields) must occur in the back end.

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