Linked ODBC Table



I had a little form that worked fine when the tables were in my mdb, but the
form now gives me Write Conflict error after I exported the tables to SQL
Server, and linked them back to my mdb via ODBC.
I'm pretty sure I'm stepping on myself, and that no one else is conflicting.

The message is:
Write Conflict
This record has been changed by another users since you started
editing it. If you save the record, you will overwrite the changes
the other user made.

Copying the changes to the clipobard will let you look at the values
the other user entered, and then paste your changes back in if you
decide to make changes.
Copy to Clipboard Drop Changes

Thank you in advance for any help in this.

Stefan Hoffmann

hi George,
I had a little form that worked fine when the tables were in my mdb, but the
form now gives me Write Conflict error after I exported the tables to SQL
Server, and linked them back to my mdb via ODBC.
This may be due to

a) the involved tables don't have a primary key defined
b) the involved tables have fields of an inaccurate data type


a) Create a primary key in your SQL Server table and relink this table
in Access.

b) Add an additional field of data type ROWVERSION and relink your table.

--> stefan <--


I had/have a primary key of Data Type = int.
It it an identity that is correctly incrementing when I add.

I do not know of a Data Type = ROWVERSION.

The problem occurs when form executes Me.Refresh


Yes, I created a field of DataType = TimeStamp
(I already had a Primary Key).
And I got rid of all the me.Refresh instructions, and that seems to have
done the trick. Thank you very much.

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