Linked Excel charts in PowerPoint



I have a large PP presentation (277 slides at present)! Over 200 of the slides are linked into Excel and contain charts

The problem I am having is that although I have 5 different charts in PP, somehow PP is replacing the information in slides 4 & 5 with data from slide 3! Help

Steve Rindsberg

I have a large PP presentation (277 slides at present)! Over 200 of the
slides are linked into Excel and contain charts.
The problem I am having is that although I have 5 different charts in PP,
somehow PP is replacing the information in slides 4 & 5 with data from slide 3!

Before doing anything else, I'd stop and make a backup or two of that file.

Done? OK. Now ...

PowerPoint has a limited amount of room for storing information about links.
If a presentation exceeds that amount, things start to go haywire (a technical
term meaning "they start acting pretty much like what you're seeing now")

It may be time to consider breaking the presentation into several pieces, each
with fewer slides.

If that's not possible, it may help to shorten the link paths. If the XLS
files are currently in

C:\Some\incredibly long and involved\path structure\that makes each filename\a
bazillion characters\long\are\we\there\yet\daddy\file.xls

then moving them and relinking to c:\HERE\file.xls will probably help.

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