Link table in code doesn't "take"


Ron Hinds

Access 97, using ODBC linked tables. I try to change the link using this
code snippet:

strConnect = "ODBC;Description=" & strDesc & ";DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=" &
gstrSQLServer & ";UID=sa;PWD=" & strPWD & ";APP=Microsoft Open Database
Connectivity;WSID=" & strWS & ";DATABASE=Prototype"

For Each tdf In db.TableDefs
If tdf.Attributes And dbAttachedODBC Then
tdf.Connect = strConnect
End If

It doesn't happen for every table, but for some reason, for some of the
tables, the new Connect string doesn't "take"; I check it and it's still the
same as it was before. What causes this and what can I do about it?

Douglas J. Steele

As far as I'm aware, you have to drop the table and recreate it with the new
connection string. The Connect property is read-only once the TableDef
object has been appended to the TableDefs collection.

Ron Hinds

From Access Help:
Connect Property
Sets or returns a value that provides information about the source of an
open connection, an open database, a database used in a pass-through query,
or a linked table. For Database objects, new Connection objects, linked
tables, and TableDef objects not yet appended to a collection, this property
setting is read/write. For QueryDef objects and base tables, this property
is read-only.
Read/Write for linked tables. This fits as I have been using the same method
with linked Access tables with no problem for quite some time.

Douglas J. Steele

Well, my experience is that you need to delete the TableDef object and
recreate it. That's the approach I've always used.

Ron Hinds

Can you give me some details on how you implement that? Do you have a local
table of attached tables that has the necessary information in it? E.g.
sometimes the SourceTableName doesn't match the Name, etc. Or do you just do
it in code, saving the relevant information in local variables? Thanks!

david epsom dot com dot au

1) Can't refresh to change from ODBC to MDB
2) Stays the same if there is an error
3) Looses the connect string if the TDF goes out of scope before the

What does your exception handling look like?


david epsom dot com dot au

Interesting, but you should not believe all you read at!

DAO, unlike RDO, can connect to several different kinds of things,
not just to ODBC. DAO assumes that the first field is a type field:
the default blank value is for Jet databases. That is, if your string
does not start ";Database=" or "ODBC" or "TEXT" or whatever, you will
get an error message something like:
"driver=mydb" is not a recognised ISAM


Van T. Dinh

Hi Doug

I think the Help topic is wrong. I have been using RefreshLink Method (in
A2K2) to change the Connection String / Connect Property on ODBC-linked
Tables without any problem.

Ron Hinds

Well I got that connection string by first linking the tables in Access
manually. Then, in the Debug window I typed:


I used the Connect string returned as a template. I will try your suggestion
though which seems to dovetail nicely with Doug's (see earlier post). Is
this a so-called "DSN-less" connection string?

Ron Hinds

david epsom dot com dot au said:
1) Can't refresh to change from ODBC to MDB

They are already ODBC-linked tables - I just want to point them to a
different server.
2) Stays the same if there is an error

That would appear to be the problem. Unfortunately, no error is returned
(see response below).
3) Looses the connect string if the TDF goes out of scope before the

Well I've tried to keep that code in the loop.
What does your exception handling look like?

I'm checking the return codes for API calls and calling an API error
function for those. Otherwise I am using the standard VBA error
handling/reporting. Here is the entire function:

Public Function RefreshLinksODBC(DSNFile As String) As Boolean

On Error GoTo Error_RefreshLinksODBC

RefreshLinksODBC = False

Dim db As Database
Dim strError As String
Dim lRet As Long, lSize As Long, lErrCode As Long
Dim I As Integer, iSize As Integer
Dim strDesc As String
Dim strWS As String
Dim strPWD As String
Dim strConnect As String
Dim tdf As TableDef

Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)

'Initialize string variables to fixed length for API calls
gstrSQLServer = String(32, vbNullChar)
strDesc = String(32, vbNullChar)
strWS = String(32, vbNullChar)

lRet = SQLReadFileDSN(DSNFile, "ODBC", "SERVER", gstrSQLServer, 32,
If lRet Then
If lSize = 0 Then
'Need to prompt for server name
DoCmd.openform "frmSQLServer"
If Len(gstrSQLServer) < 1 Then
msgbox "Must select a Database server!", vbCritical, "Hey
GoTo Exit_RefreshLinksODBC
End If
gstrSQLServer = Left(gstrSQLServer, lSize)
End If
GoTo ODBC_Error
End If

'Save new server name in DSN file
lRet = SQLWriteFileDSN(DSNFile, "ODBC", "SERVER", gstrSQLServer)
If lRet = 0 Then GoTo ODBC_Error

lRet = SQLReadFileDSN(DSNFile, "ODBC", "Description", strDesc, 32,
If lRet Then
strDesc = Left(strDesc, lSize)
GoTo ODBC_Error
End If

If InStr(1, strDesc, "Backup") > 0 Then
strPWD = "yyyyyyyy"
strPWD = "xxxxxx"
End If

lSize = Len(strWS)

If GetComputerName(strWS, lSize) Then
strWS = Left(strWS, lSize)
err.Raise GetLastError()
End If

strConnect = "ODBC;Description=" & strDesc & ";DRIVER=SQL
Server;SERVER=" & gstrSQLServer & ";UID=sa;PWD=" & strPWD & ";APP=Microsoft
Open Database Connectivity;WSID=" & strWS & ";DATABASE=Prototype"

For Each tdf In db.TableDefs
If tdf.Attributes And dbAttachedODBC Then
tdf.Connect = strConnect
End If

'Set global connect string for PassThrough queries
gstrODBC = strConnect

RefreshLinksODBC = True

GoTo Exit_RefreshLinksODBC

'ODBC error - enumerate
For I = 1 To 8
strError = String(255, vbNullChar)
lRet = SQLInstallerError(I, lErrCode, strError, 255, iSize)
strError = Left(strError, CLng(iSize))
If lErrCode > 0 Then
LogError "RefreshLinksODBC", lErrCode, strError
End If


Exit Function

Dim errX As error

For Each errX In Errors
LogError "RefreshLinksODBC", errX.Number, errX.Description

Resume Exit_RefreshLinksODBC

End Function

david epsom dot com dot au

I don't trust this:
If tdf.Attributes And dbAttachedODBC Then

because (a) it's not how I do it, and (b) the attributes are not independent
binary flags.
I check the connect string to see if it starts with "ODBC"

Also, I see in my code that I only refresh the tabledefs collection BEFORE
and AFTER the tdf loop, not during.

You might want to check inside the IF in the loop to see if you are actually
hitting all the ODBC tables.

There are also, I think, some situations in which the refresh really does
not work correctly or in the expected way. I do in fact mostly use
create/delete, although I have refresh as an option in my interface. I have
always been suspicious about refreshing ODBC links to point to a new server,
because (a) I don't do it that way, and (b) ODBC connections are cached by
the Jet engine.

But plenty of VB people do refresh from one ODBC connection to another.
Problem reports mostly have to do with IISAMs, DSN's or Server Alias's, not
(before now) with straight forward DSN'less ODBC connection strings.


Joe Fallon

I use this procedure to re-create links to SQL Server.
For Jet re-linking code see:
(This eliminates the need to re-name all the tables to strip out dbo_ and it
allows you to point to different versions of the same database easily.)
There is a local Access table (tblODBCTables) that contains the table names
I want to link to on the Server.
Note: the source table name needs the dbo. prefix which is in the code. The
linked table name usualy omits this. .

Public Sub LinkSQLServerTables(strDSN As String, strDatabase)
On Error GoTo Err_LinkSQLServerTables

Dim dbs As Database, rs As Recordset, tdfAccess As TableDef
Dim dbsODBC As Database, strConnect As String

If strDSN = "" Then
MsgBox "You must supply a DSN in order to link tables."
Exit Sub
strConnect = "ODBC;DSN=" & strDSN & ";UID=User;PWD=password;DATABASE=" &
strDatabase & ";"
End If

SysCmd acSysCmdSetStatus, "Connecting to SQL Server..."

Call DeleteODBCTableNames

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblODBCTables")
Set dbsODBC = OpenDatabase("", False, False, strConnect)

Do While Not rs.EOF
Set tdfAccess = dbs.CreateTableDef(rs![LinkTablename], dbAttachSavePWD)
tdfAccess.Connect = dbsODBC.Connect
tdfAccess.SourceTableName = dbsODBC.TableDefs("dbo." &
dbs.TableDefs.Append tdfAccess

Set rs = Nothing
Set dbsODBC = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing

SysCmd acSysCmdClearStatus
Exit Sub

MsgBox ("Error # " & Str(Err.Number) & " was generated by " & Err.Source
& Chr(13) & Err.Description)
Resume Exit_LinkSQLServerTables

End Sub

'This procedure deletes all linked ODBC table names in an mdb.
Public Sub DeleteODBCTableNames()
On Error GoTo Err_DeleteODBCTableNames

Dim dbs As Database, tdf As TableDef, I As Integer
Set dbs = CurrentDb
For I = dbs.TableDefs.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs(I)
If (tdf.Attributes And dbAttachedODBC) Then
dbs.TableDefs.Delete (tdf.Name)
End If
Next I

Set dbs = Nothing

Exit Sub

MsgBox ("Error # " & Str(Err.Number) & " was generated by " & Err.Source
& Chr(13) & Err.Description)
Resume Exit_DeleteODBCTableNames

End Sub


Ron Hinds said:
Well I got that connection string by first linking the tables in Access
manually. Then, in the Debug window I typed:


I used the Connect string returned as a template. I will try your suggestion
though which seems to dovetail nicely with Doug's (see earlier post). Is
this a so-called "DSN-less" connection string?

david epsom dot com dot au

I do append, delete, rename:

2680 Set tbldef = dbRemote.CreateTableDef(sLinkName & "_",
nTDFAttribute, sRemote, sConnect)
2700 dbRemote.TableDefs.Append tbldef 'using modified name
2710 dbRemote.TableDefs.Delete sLinkName
2720 tbldef.Name = sLinkName 'change name to correct


Joe Fallon said:
I use this procedure to re-create links to SQL Server.
For Jet re-linking code see:
(This eliminates the need to re-name all the tables to strip out dbo_ and it
allows you to point to different versions of the same database easily.)
There is a local Access table (tblODBCTables) that contains the table names
I want to link to on the Server.
Note: the source table name needs the dbo. prefix which is in the code. The
linked table name usualy omits this. .

Public Sub LinkSQLServerTables(strDSN As String, strDatabase)
On Error GoTo Err_LinkSQLServerTables

Dim dbs As Database, rs As Recordset, tdfAccess As TableDef
Dim dbsODBC As Database, strConnect As String

If strDSN = "" Then
MsgBox "You must supply a DSN in order to link tables."
Exit Sub
strConnect = "ODBC;DSN=" & strDSN & ";UID=User;PWD=password;DATABASE=" &
strDatabase & ";"
End If

SysCmd acSysCmdSetStatus, "Connecting to SQL Server..."

Call DeleteODBCTableNames

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblODBCTables")
Set dbsODBC = OpenDatabase("", False, False, strConnect)

Do While Not rs.EOF
Set tdfAccess = dbs.CreateTableDef(rs![LinkTablename], dbAttachSavePWD)
tdfAccess.Connect = dbsODBC.Connect
tdfAccess.SourceTableName = dbsODBC.TableDefs("dbo." &
dbs.TableDefs.Append tdfAccess

Set rs = Nothing
Set dbsODBC = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing

SysCmd acSysCmdClearStatus
Exit Sub

MsgBox ("Error # " & Str(Err.Number) & " was generated by " & Err.Source
& Chr(13) & Err.Description)
Resume Exit_LinkSQLServerTables

End Sub

'This procedure deletes all linked ODBC table names in an mdb.
Public Sub DeleteODBCTableNames()
On Error GoTo Err_DeleteODBCTableNames

Dim dbs As Database, tdf As TableDef, I As Integer
Set dbs = CurrentDb
For I = dbs.TableDefs.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs(I)
If (tdf.Attributes And dbAttachedODBC) Then
dbs.TableDefs.Delete (tdf.Name)
End If
Next I

Set dbs = Nothing

Exit Sub

MsgBox ("Error # " & Str(Err.Number) & " was generated by " & Err.Source
& Chr(13) & Err.Description)
Resume Exit_DeleteODBCTableNames

End Sub

Joe Fallon
Access MVP

Ron Hinds said:
Access 97, using ODBC linked tables. I try to change the link using this
code snippet:

strConnect = "ODBC;Description=" & strDesc & ";DRIVER=SQL
gstrSQLServer & ";UID=sa;PWD=" & strPWD & ";APP=Microsoft Open Database
Connectivity;WSID=" & strWS & ";DATABASE=Prototype"

For Each tdf In db.TableDefs
If tdf.Attributes And dbAttachedODBC Then
tdf.Connect = strConnect
End If

It doesn't happen for every table, but for some reason, for some of the
tables, the new Connect string doesn't "take"; I check it and it's still the
same as it was before. What causes this and what can I do about it?

Terry Kreft

Personally I would do it like this

strConnect = "ODBC;Description=" & strDesc & ";DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=" &
gstrSQLServer & ";UID=sa;PWD=" & strPWD & ";APP=Microsoft Open Database
Connectivity;WSID=" & strWS & ";DATABASE=Prototype"

For Each tdf In db.TableDefs
with tdf
if len(.Connect)> 0 then
.Connect = strConnect
End If
end with

I seem to remember (in the dim distant past) that testing the Attribute as
you are doing can fail which is why I test whether the table has a
connection string.

Gary Walter

I concede all of you know more than I do...
but I was wondering if it was possible that
including the Refresh within the loop might
not be "reordering" the TableDefs.....

it would be interesting to see what you get
if you debug printed the table name in the loop,
with and without the Refresh.

Ron Hinds

Excellent stuff everyone - thanks so much! I will do some experimentation
and see what works best for me.

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