Link does not open *.jpg *.exe, etc




My IE would not follow a link if I click on any file with
extention *.jpg, *.exe, *.mpg

The default aplication is setup fine. I can click "save
target as" and save it locally. Then, double clicking on a
local file launches it fine in same IE. Something is
filtering some extentions in links when it comes from
remote sites. My security zone is lovered to nothing and
it still will not open these links. Highly annoying.

I suspected it started when I installed MS Media Player.
But uninstalling it did not help at all.

I am not the only one having this.
I am stuck completely. Please, help.


To add a bit. Other links like *.html, *.htm are working
fine. Only *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.exe, *.zip are effected.

Has to do with extention not with link in general.
Also, if *jpg is embedded in a page - it is displayed with
no problems. Only clicking on a link is effected.




I figured the reason. I thought that it must be some nasty
Browser helper. So I tried disabling them one by one. The
bad one is registered as "CAE188AE-945B-11D4-ABBB-
B9EE7E4C3B20" under explorer/BrowserHelper. This ID belong
to a DLL "WBHELPER.DLL". I don't know what it is, but
removing its key (or just screwing its GUID) from under
Explorer/BrowserHelper removes this behavior.


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