Link child Fields = radio options



Option button, subform-link child fields

I have Option buttons 1,2,3. How do I link to subform -
link child fields?

Link child Fields = radio options

PC Datasheet

You need to explain further what you are trying to do. Option buttons won't work
as a LinkChild property. A linkChild property must link to a foreign key in a
subform so as the LinkMaster property changes value, the subform tracks the main


I will try to explain!

All Fields are dates on subforms, I like to choose date
from cal picker then choose option button 1,2,3.

So far, it works like this
Calendar picker
Link master fields = calendar date(calendar picker)
Link child field = field1
view all on field1(date only)

Want solution like this.
Choose option button, so i can view on date that are
field1 only or field2 or field3

Line child field = field1 or field2 or field3


PC Datasheet

Create an option group on the main form with three options: Option1 uses Field1,
Option2 uses Field2, Option3 uses Field3. Put the following code in the
AfterUpdate event of the option group:
Select Case Me!NameOfoptionGroup
Case 1
Me!NameOfSubformControl.LinkChild = "Field1"
Case 2
Me!NameOfSubformControl.LinkChild = "Field2"
Case 3
Me!NameOfSubformControl.LinkChild = "Field3"
End Select
Me!NameOfSubformControl.Form.Requery 'Not sure if you need this. Try without

PC Datasheet
Your Resource For Help With Access, Excel And Word Applications
(e-mail address removed)


thanks it worked!
-----Original Message-----
Create an option group on the main form with three options: Option1 uses Field1,
Option2 uses Field2, Option3 uses Field3. Put the following code in the
AfterUpdate event of the option group:
Select Case Me!NameOfoptionGroup
Case 1
Me!NameOfSubformControl.LinkChild = "Field1"
Case 2
Me!NameOfSubformControl.LinkChild = "Field2"
Case 3
Me!NameOfSubformControl.LinkChild = "Field3"
End Select
Me!NameOfSubformControl.Form.Requery 'Not sure if you need this. Try without

PC Datasheet
Your Resource For Help With Access, Excel And Word Applications
(e-mail address removed)


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