Link Bar Problem


Mark K

I am in the process of creating a website for my company.
I have just added a page to the site but the link bar has
only updated on 4 of the 13 or so pages. I used the
recalculate hyperlinks tool but it did not work. It is
very weird because if I browse to a page that doesn't have
the links updated and open it with the "edit" button
(FP2003) the link bar displays correctly in both the
design view and the preview view. I save the page but then
when I browse to the page in IE the link bar is not
updated. To see the problem look at

Thanks for your help!!!

Mark K

Rick Budde

Go to Navigation view in Front Page. Do the missing pages
show up as linked in that view? If not add them in that

mARK k

Yes the missing pages are in the nav view, however. they
only actually appear in the navagation on 4 of my 13 pages

Rick Budde

I am using IE 6.0 and I am able to view ALL of the links
on your home page. The links take me to pages that are
titled the same as the link on the home page.

Perhaps you could try clearing your browser cache and try

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