Line continuation.



I have the following all on one line:

Range("A2") =

This line works fine as it is. But if I try to use the <space underscore>
line continuation thingy somewhere in the line, the text turns red, and an
error message comes up: Compile error. Expected end of statement.
Is this normal VBA behaviour, or am I missing something?

Chip Pearson

You can do something like

S = "=SUMPRODUCT(--(B$2:B$445=B2)*(C$2:C$445=C2)*(D$2:D$445=D2)" & _

Since you are concatenating strings, each string must be enclosed in "
characters. I suspect you didn't have a " before the line continuation

Chip Pearson
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
Excel Product Group, 1998 - 2009
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email on web site)

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