Limiting a text value


Rodolfo Fontes

Hi group,

A time ago i've asked how to format a text value ("PC") to be like
Now i need to know how to limit that.
For example, how to limit the string "PC COMPUTER" to 5 caracters, like "PC

09_PF: Substituir(Formato(Esquerda([T
NF_S_Det].[Part#F];16);"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@");" ";"0")
This is what i'm using to format it, but it's not working to limit the

Thanks for any help,
Rodolfo Fontes

Rodolfo Fontes

Just one more note about it...
I want to use blank spaces if the string is less than the limit
Like: " PC" for limit = 5


Andi Mayer

Hi group,

A time ago i've asked how to format a text value ("PC") to be like
Now i need to know how to limit that.
For example, how to limit the string "PC COMPUTER" to 5 caracters, like "PC

09_PF: Substituir(Formato(Esquerda([T
NF_S_Det].[Part#F];16);"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@");" ";"0")
This is what i'm using to format it, but it's not working to limit the
look at the LEFT function in the help file

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