"limited user " name does not appear on welcome screen



My problem is 2 users disappeared from the welcome
screen and can't seem to get them back when I try to
resign them it says name is taken. I have windows xp
upgrade home edition from windows mellinium. cant find
users by right clicking my computer and clicking manage
and I am lost. I never disabled them nor deleted them
though their folders are still available. All users are
password protected and I am administrator. I can't seem
to find any solution except to "REINSTALL'.
Any help would be appreciated.

Thank You,

Doug Knox MS-MVP

From an Administrator level account, click Start, Run and enter REGEDIT Go


Look in the right pane for a value that corresponds to each of the missing
user names. If they exist, double click them, and set their value to 1.
If they don't exist, right click in a blank area of the right pane, select
New, DWord value and give the value the same name as the missing account.
Then set it to 1.

You may also be able to accomplish this with TweakUI for XP.
www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/downloads/powertoys.asp You'll find the
users/Welcome Screen Settings in the Logon section.

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