Limited Range of Rows and Columns



I have downloaded a spreadsheet that contains only columns A through H
and only rows 1 through about 80. To the right and below this range is
gray. I don't think this was done by hiding rows and columns because
when I highlight all cells and try "Unhide" nothing changes.

How can I view the rows and columns that are currently not displayed?


Gord Dibben

Can you scroll past column H and below row 80?

If so, the cells probably have their background color set to gray.

Hit CTRL + a(twice in XL2003) to select all cells.

Then Format>Cells>Patterns>"No Color"

If you can't scroll, please post back and we can investigate further.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP


Gord, Thanks for your help. I tried a new technique of left clickin
and manipulating the column width and row height to make the missin
rows and columns appear. It turns out they were hidden but for som
reason, pressing control-a twice and selecting 'unhide' didn't do th
trick. In any case, the problem is resolved. Thanks again

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